Embrace Change.
Embrace Kailua.

Your place for personal and professional growth

REDISCOVER YOURSELF - your true self

At KAILUA, we invite every woman to dance in harmony with life – to move into each new day with confidence and ease, recognizing, living, and confidently celebrating her own life's melody.

We understand the unique challenges modern women face in their personal and professional lives. Our unique offerings therefore combine comprehensive development programs with strong

community building and a deep connection to oneself.

Nice to have you here!

Yoga / Meditation / Sound / Dance / Circle / Coaching / Classes / 1:1 / Workshops / Retreats / Online


Welcome to KAILUA Studio – Your sanctuary for holistic healing and female empowerment in Nuremberg and Berlin.

Das KAILUA Studio is a place for holistic healing and personal development, already established in Nuremberg and Berlin. It is a space designed specifically for women seeking deeper spiritual unfoldment, strengthening their physical, mental, and emotional health, and longing for a community with like-minded women. We create a space for you to recognize, live, and celebrate your inner and feminine strength.

Immerse yourself in the warm, welcoming environment where you can relax, recharge, and evolve.

The heart of KAILUA Studio is our holistic concept, which is based on three essential pillars: Healing, Empowerment, and Community. These foundations are deeply embedded in our philosophy and reflect our commitment to creating a space where women can discover themselves, gain strength, and connect.

HEALING: KAILUA Studio is your sanctuary, where you can embark on a healing journey to yourself. Our wide range of classes and workshops is designed to support you in reducing stress, resolving emotional blockages, and regenerating. Through practices such as yoga, guided meditations, breathing exercises, and sound baths, we not only promote your physical and mental recovery but also facilitate deep healing.

EMPOWERMENT: At our core, your empowerment has priority. Through our unique offerings such as expressive dance, ecstatic dance, and specialized workshops, we aim to encourage you to explore your true, feminine self and recognize your inner strengths. Our one-on-one coaching and group coaching sessions are designed to help you develop self-love, better understand your body, and move through life with confidence.

COMMUNITY: Immersing yourself in a strong and supportive community of like-minded women – that's what makes KAILUA Studio special. Through our Sharing Circles, regular community meetings, and retreats, we create a space where experiences can be shared, support found, and lifelong friendships made. With us, you'll find a family that accompanies and celebrates you on your journey.

KAILUA Studio is the ideal place for women who are in a vibrant phase of life, where the development of their own careers, personal growth, and possibly also family planning are in focus. It is for the woman who, amidst her diverse life paths and goals, is looking for a place that offers support, inspiration, and a strong community.

Whether you are in the process of pursuing your career dreams, embarking on a deeper personal or spiritual journey, or contemplating starting a family – KAILUA Studio offers you a space to discover and cultivate your inner strength. Here, you will find a wide range of offerings aimed at supporting and accompanying you in each of these life stages.

To offer you even more flexibility, we are part of Urban Sports Club and ClassPass. If you are a member of either of these providers, you can easily participate in our classes and experience the variety of our offerings.

At KAILUA Studio, we offer you more than just classes and workshops; we provide an experience that will enrich and transform your life. Here, you will find a safe, supportive, and welcoming space where you can grow, heal, and discover your true strength. Our experienced trainers and coaches will accompany you on every step of your journey.


Welcome to KAILUA Coaching – Your journey to personal and professional success!

Are you an ambitious woman striving to advance in your career and strengthen your leadership skills? Do you want to expand your network, build your personal confidence, and develop professionally?

At KAILUA Coaching , we understand your goals and challenges. Our tailored coaching programs are designed to help you clarify your professional visions, overcome obstacles, and unleash your full potential. At KAILUA Coaching, you will find a safe space to reflect on your goals, evolve, and bring out the best in yourself. 

KAILUA Coaching is ideal for ambitious women who want to advance in their professional careers and personal development. Whether you want to develop leadership skills, strengthen your self-confidence or sharpen your professional vision, our programs are designed to help you and unleash your full potential.

The key difference at KAILUA COACHING lies in our in-depth, holistic approach, which is specifically tailored to the unique needs and goals of women in professional life. We understand that true progress and success requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond traditional methods. That's why we not only offer individual coaching sessions, but also a diverse program that is characterized by the following aspects:

Yes, our coaching sessions and programs are flexible and can be delivered online to suit your needs and schedule. This allows you to take part in our coaching regardless of your location and benefit from the support and strategies of our experienced coaches.

Giulia Göller bietet Coaching, Yoga, Körperarbeit, Meditationen, Kurse zu den Themen weibliches Empowerment, Diversität sowie ganzheitlicher Entwicklung an.
Kailua - dein Ort für persönliche und berufliche Entwicklung in Nürnberg und Berlin
Schreib auf, was dir in den Sinn kommt ohne zu bewerten.

Are you ready to start your journey to yourself?

Giulia Göller bietet Coaching, Yoga, Körperarbeit, Meditationen, Kurse zu den Themen weibliches Empowerment, Diversität sowie ganzheitlicher Entwicklung an.
Mit einem Kaffee frisch und munter an die neue Aufgabe.

KAILUA Corporate

Welcome to KAILUA Corporate – your partner for a future-oriented corporate culture

KAILUA Corporate specializes in strategic consulting, improving corporate culture and implementing change management initiatives. We understand the importance of integrating women into the labor market and are committed to ensuring that their perspectives and talents are not only valued, but also recognized as a significant contribution to the company's success. 

We also support companies in developing and implementing measures to promote women. Our offer includes consulting and implementation of internal women's networks as well as the creation of cross-company collaborations. Together we create an inclusive corporate culture in which women can develop their full potential and become driving forces of change.

KAILUA Corporate offers tailored solutions specifically designed to create an inclusive and supportive work culture. We rely on strategies that not only promote the integration of female employees, but also ensure motivating communication across the entire workforce.

We advise you on the development and implementation of internal women's networks and support the creation of cross-company collaborations. Our goal is to create an environment where women can achieve their full potential.
A core aspect of our offering is the development and promotion of female managers. We offer special programs and coaching aimed at identifying, developing and preparing female talent for leadership positions.

Participation in the KAILUA Corporate Network begins with an initial consultationin which we want to understand your needs and goals. Contact us to learn more about how we can work together to create an inclusive company culture that promotes and values women.


Welcome to the KAILUA Community - your women's network for inspiration, support and growth

The KAILUA Community is a dynamic and supportive platform for ambitious women seeking connection, personal development and professional advancement. We provide a safe and welcoming space where women from different backgrounds come together to share experiences, learn from each other and support each other.

The KAILUA Community is open to all women who are looking for an inspiring network that promotes personal and professional growth and are willing to contribute to this community in a loyal and supportive manner. No matter whether you are at the beginning of your career, are a manager or are looking for like-minded people to exchange ideas and learn - you are warmly welcome. If you are interested in becoming part of our community, please apply here..

Our Women's Circle meetings take place regularly both online and in person. We will let you know all the information about upcoming meetings as soon as you are part of this community.

Yes, the KAILUA Community, with the help of KAILUA Coaching and Corporate, offers a variety of resources and learning opportunities, including workshops, seminars and events with renowned speakers designed to promote your professional development.


Welcome to KAILUA Events – Inspiring encounters that promote your growth

Discover KAILUA Events, your platform for exceptional events aimed at supporting women in their personal and professional development. Our events are carefully designed to create an inspiring environment where you can learn, grow and connect with a dynamic community of like-minded women.

Discover our upcoming events now and become part of our inspiring community. KAILUA Events – where every encounter takes you one step further.



KAILUA is more than a name; It represents the powerful, transformative energy of Hawaii, embodied by the symbolism of the volcano. Under the motto “Embrace Change. Embrace KAILUA.” At KAILUA we promote deep personal and professional transformations. Our experienced team combines expertise in systemic coaching, yoga, dance and meditation to empower women to achieve their goals and develop their unique power.

With over a decade of experience and hundreds of clients served, we have built a community based on the values of authenticity, appreciation and holism. These principles shape every interaction in our over 50 international workshops and daily encounters.

Are you ready to break old patterns and create new empowering ones? Discover your inner strength with KAILUA and start your transformative journey.

Embrace Change. Embrace KAILUA. 

Die Ruhe und Stärke von Blumen.
Giulia gibt verschiedene Kurse im KAILUA Studio Nürnberg.

>One life - own it!<


Our program is designed to individually address the needs and goals of each participant. Through a personal assessment at the beginning of the program, we identify the specific challenges and goals. We then develop a tailor-made plan that includes workshops, seminars and individual coaching to specifically help you with your personal and professional development.

Yes, our programs are specifically designed to support businesses too. We offer tailored solutions aimed at improving company culture, promoting diversity and empowering women in leadership positions. Our workshops and training not only support the individual development of employees, but also contribute to an integrative and supportive working environment.

We understand that our participants are involved professionally and privately. That's why we offer flexible formats, including online courses, weekend workshops and evening events. The offers are designed so that they can be integrated into your everyday life without you feeling overwhelmed.

Our USP lies in combining a holistic development approach with a focus on community building and the provision of specialized healing centers. We not only offer workshops and coaching, but also physical spaces for relaxation and regeneration as well as a strong, supportive community to promote a sustainable and holistic development process.



We see you

No matter whether you are interested in our individual options as a private individual or want to explore our offers and solutions as a representative of a company – we are here to help you!

or send us a message:

Note: The data will only be used to answer your query; the data will not be used beyond that. The data protection declaration applies.